As we reported earlier the Norse Projects Autumn Winter 2011 collection is comprised of updated mens wear classics with a strong rooting in military- & workwear. Crafted from natural materials such as fine merino wool, heavy duty canvas & thick cotton flannel the collection not only looks good, but also suits the northern autumn climate perfectly.

Using some of the new deliveries from shoe brands Diemme & Sanders, here's a view of what we think is the ideal way to mix & match some of the key pieces of the collection.

Elka Solid Jacket Dk Blue €165/SEK 1649:-
Gunnar Two Beige Shirt €189/SEK 1899:-
Os Henley Blue Indigo €95/SEK 949:-
Herman Wool Trousers €175/SEK 1749:-
Elka Color Block Jacket €189/SEK 1899:-
Olaf Cable Knit €135/SEK 1349:-
Anton Oxford Shirt Dk Navy €95/SEK 949:-
Aros Heavy Chino €125/SEK 1249:-
Olaf Cable Knit €135/SEK 1349:-
Anton Oxford Shirt Dk Navy €95/SEK 949:-
Aros Heavy Chino €125/SEK 1249:-

Anton Wool Shirt €135/SEK 1349:-
Os Henley Offwhite €95/SEK 949:-
Oskar Denim Shirt €109/SEK 1099:-
Besides the Norse Projects pieces, David is also wearing Diemme Roccia Vet in Tundra Suede €249/SEK 2499:-, Diemme Roccia Vet in Yellow Nubuck €349/SEK 3499:-, Sanders Archie Gibson shoes in Navy €239/SEK 2399:-, Drakes navy dotted silk scarf & Momotaro 0701 jeans €259/SEK 2599:-.
The new Diemme & Sanders footwear is now available for purchase in store & will go live online shortly. for inquiries regarding the Drakes scarfs, please send us an email to info@caliroots.se
Just as the Camo photo shoot we did last spring, these pictures were taken by our talented photographer friend Filip Johnsson.