Another addition to the C family is italian brand
Camo. This fairly new brand has been around since 2008 and was one of the most interresting new comers at this years bread & butter trade show. The high end streetwear pieces are designed & produced entirely in Italy. They describe themselves as "A tiger camoflauged in the world" & the word Camo is what easiest & purest describes their design idea & project. The design idea is to use specifically purposed apparel & modify & twist them to camoflauge other meanings of inspiration, but still within the borders & rules of society. The different pieces are made to be worn by, rather than wear, it's wearer.
Here's a look at the first the first items we recieved from the A/W 2009 collection, entitled "Waves"

Cabin pullover € 150:- (Sek 1599:-)

Apron shirt € 95:- (Sek 999:-)

Bib Beanie € 45:- (Sek 499:-)

Grog Scarf € 75:- (Sek 799:-)
Galley Husky € 120:- (Sek 1299:-)
Pop by the C Store for more styles & colorways or check out
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